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Day 4 – Busy Day in Paradise

February 3, 2018

Today we decided that we were going to test our legs out on the ocean and rent some paddle boards. We tried yesterday, but the “surf” guy didn’t show up for work, so we were unable to rent the boards. We paddle board all of the time in Austin on the lake, but have never really tried paddle boarding on the ocean. The water wasn’t too bad today, so we gave it a whirl. We didn’t do too bad. It was a little wobbly at first, but the only one that took a spill into the water on this ride was Rich. We paddled back and forth in front of the hotel beach for a solid hour and I even had a little two year old boy that was on his dad’s paddle board give me the hang loose sign. He made my day!

After paddle boarding we went into Kailua to take in the sites of the beautiful turquoise Lanikai Beach. Our favorite place in the world. The sun was shining off and on, so the water was quite beautiful today and looking at those Mokulua Islands always takes your breath away.

A little information on the Mokulua Islands, also known as the “Mokes” as we call them or the “Twin Islands”. These islets are off of the windward coast of Oahu. They are a very popular photography subject and are located about .75 miles off Lanikai, a neighborhood in Kailua. The larger island (on the left) is Moku Nui and the smaller island is Moku Iki. They are part of the Hawaii State Seabird Sanctuary. They are a popular destination for kayakers and paddle boarders and I have heard from several sources that the back of the islands are a popular spot for sharks. We kayaked out to them in July 2017 when we were here last and here is a picture taken from the beach of Moku Nui.

On the way back from Lanikai, we decided to grab a bite at McDonalds and almost ran over two ladies riding their bikes after we left the drive thru. I am not sure what they were doing, but they obviously thought that it was somehow a wise decision to cut through the busy McDonald’s parking lot! They slowed us down enough that I thought they were worthy of a pic on the blog, lol!

After we left McDonald’s we headed to the Makapu’u Tom Tom Trail with every intention to hike this trail. I read that it is one of the most underrated trails on Oahu. Unfortunately, I should have gone to the bathroom at McDonald’s because I had to pee and there wasn’t a restroom at the starting point of the hike and I wasn’t about to set out when I had to pee. I really need to quit drinking so much coffee! We are going to revisit this hike later this week, hopefully the weather will give us a break before we have to leave.

Tonight we made reservations at Hoku’s, a restaurant in the Kahala Resort & Hotel that we are staying at. I will leave full reviews of the restaurants that we have dined in and the hotel after we get back to Austin and I have more time. Anyway, we got all cleaned up and I was looking pretty and Rich was looking handsome, so we headed to the restaurant, got there, stated our name and reservation time and were promptly met by a manager letting us know that they have a dress code and Rich’s shorts and sandals were not going to cut it. I should have known better, but I thought he looked very dapper in his Hawaiian shirt and matching shorts, so we headed out. Next time, I will be more aware of where we are going and any dress codes that apply. Luckily, our room was a short 3 minute walk away, so we headed back where Rich changed into jeans and close toed shoes in record time and we were back at the restaurant before they even missed us. The dinner and service were very good and overall it was a very enjoyable evening out.

Now, as with every other night, after I get a drink or two in me, I am beat and ready to run back to the room, throw my pj’s on and crawl into bed, so that my folks, is the end of our day. I was out before my head even hit the pillow.