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Day 1 – Travel Day to Honolulu

January 31, 2018

Today we are heading to Honolulu. Hawaii is one of our very favorite places and we usually like to go a couple of times a year and haven’t been since the beginning of July 2017, so we decided it was a good time to go again. Unfortunately, waiting until only two and a half weeks before a trip like this to book airfare, means that the seat choices are at a minimum and we are pretty much stuck with what is left.

I have been stressing since the day that I purchased the tickets that neither of us would get sick with the flu or any other crud. The flu season is at high peak right now, so I am extremely paranoid to be in large groups of people. Fortunately, neither of us got sick before the trip, so now I have moved onto worrying about staying healthy for the actual trip itself, especially after traveling in the flying Petri dish!

My solution to trying to stay healthy while flying this time around is to wear a mask and swab the inside of my nose with a thin layer of neosporin, which I read makes a barrier to stop germs from entering your nose. Fingers crossed that these things work, because there are plenty of coughers all around. 😉

On this flight, I decided to try a new tv series, and my Mom highly recommended Bloodline, so that is what I have started. I can tell you right now, that I was hooked after the first scene, the writing and acting is that good. I think that I am going to love this show!

Made it to our hotel, Kahala Resort & Hotel and the view from our beachfront room is to die for…we scored with this room!

And folks, it’s almost 8 p.m. here in Honolulu and I’m going to hit the hay, I’m beat!