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Day 2 – Reality in Paradise

February 1, 2018

Since I was still on Austin time and fell asleep at 8 pm last night, I was up and wide awake at 4:30 this morning. Tried to lay in bed until about 6 and got up to watch the sun rise off in the distance.

Breakfast buffet was good, we had a great view and even managed to see the sun for a few minutes. It’s after breakfast that gave me an indication that our first day may not go quite as planned. Headed back to the room, and Rich needed to use the bathroom first…big mistake! Never let the man use the bathroom first! When he was out and I was about to head in there he informed me that he may have possibly plugged the toilet up, but he assured me he was working on it. Really?! He was standing by the bed watching tv. LOL. He blamed the entire thing on the previous days travels messing with his system. After waiting and waiting, I finally had to leave the comfort of our room and go use the public restroom back at the restaurant. I then told him he was going to have to call maintenance to get it unplugged, there was no way I was using the public bathroom until he was able to figure this out on his own, because I am sure that his embarrassment would have kept him from ever calling maintenance of his own free will. 10 minutes after the call, the problem is solved and we are probably marked for the rest of our stay. Hiccup number one is behind us.

Now it’s time to hit the gym. Since we travel so often, we can’t realistically just relax all the time, or we would be big blobs. We have to continue our workouts, even while in paradise. Walk over to the gym in the pouring rain, and before we even got to the door I could hear machinery and I told Rich that it sounded like it was under construction. Sure enough, the gym is closed until 4 pm for maintenance. Ugh. Hiccup number two.

Hiccup number three is that it is raining and is supposed to all day. That I can deal with, after all, we are in Hawaii, a little rain isn’t going to get me down.

The other reason that I am not going to let a little rain get me down, is because we are going to Kailua today. Home of our favorite place on earth, Lanikai Beach.

Front and back views of Lanikai Beach. Because the sun wasn’t out much today, the “Mokes” and water aren’t as gorgeous as they normally are, but we still won’t complain!

After spending time in Kailua, we hit the mall. Rich’s Rimowa luggage that we bought in Honolulu in 2010, looked like it had been thrown out of the airplane from 34k feet when we got it after our arrival here. The plastic was cracked and the wheel was actually falling off. Since they say they guarantee it for “life” Rich insists that we take it in to see if they can fix it again (this will be the second time). We drop it off and as we know, the salesman there tells us that they will do their best to see about a possible fix, but this luggage has definitely seen better days. I start looking at new luggage in the store. Rich is going to have to retire this poor suitcase after this trip, no matter if they can fix it or not. It is in really rough shape. Hiccup number four.

After dropping that off, we were in the mall, so we grabbed some ice cream and stopped in at Ross, which didn’t really have anything that we needed, so that was a short trip. I’m starting to get tired, so we are going to head back to the hotel for a shower and dinner and call it a night. Cannot wait to see what tomorrow will bring…I’m hoping for sunshine!