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Day 3 – Did you really just do that?

February 2, 2018

Today’s blog post is going to be about rude people. You know, the ones with no concept that they aren’t the only ones occupying the earth. Yes, those people. It was my day to have to deal with a couple of them. Unfortunately, they are able to find their way into paradise too.

Before, I start off complaining about others, I might as well just put it out there, that I may just happen to be one of those people at certain times. I don’t intend to be, really. I don’t go out of my way to be rude. I just get caught up with the not wanting to put myself into a situation that doesn’t really affect me personally, and I am talking about one that isn’t truly going to hurt anyone if I don’t do anything. And in my defense, I am aware of others, to a fault.

I will admit it. Today at breakfast, I was caught up in capturing images and interesting things for my social media, so while at breakfast, I sat and watched a pigeon land on the fresh plate full of food on the table next to me and start eating it. I may have even recorded it for my social media. It’s reality, I need to let people know what will happen if you leave your food unattended in an outdoor restaurant! I am honestly doing my readers a service. After all, that is a big part of what this blog is about; travel tips. And for those of you wondering, the friend sitting with this unfortunate person that had their omelet half eaten by a pigeon, shooed the bird off and didn’t let her friend eat off of the plate. That lady was NOT a rude person!

Now, on to the reason for this blog post. We pretty much had the entire beach to ourselves this afternoon, and I mean that literally. We set our chairs up, laid our towels out, set our clothes on the towels along with my phone and got in the water. We had been swimming around for a while when I noticed a couple that looked to be setting up shop right on top of our space. I am trying to figure out if I miscalculated where our seats were, I scan the beach again, and again. Those are our seats that they are setting their stuff on, I am positive of it. The beach is still empty and our chairs are the only ones that have the backs up. My blood pressure starts to go up, really?! This has to be a joke. Who would do that? The beach is empty, there are rows and rows of chairs up and down the beach and they all have fantastic views, there is nothing special about our seats that would make someone think that they need to have them. I start walking toward the beach. I have to stop swimming to go make sure that these people don’t take my stuff. I get closer and closer. They have now picked up their stuff off of our chairs and set up shop in their own chairs, right in front of our chairs. WTF! Rich asked me if we are going to move and my answer is hell no, they aren’t pushing us out of our spot. I sit down right behind them to let them know and give them a chance to realize their mistake. Nothing. They were oblivious. Now the only thing that I am able to see when I look toward the ocean is two big heads blocking my gorgeous view! Instead of throwing a fit and making a scene, I decide that I am going to use this to make a public service announcement about rude people, and that is what this is! Beware, they are everywhere…even in paradise! And this my friends, is the reality of traveling, it’s not always fun and games. 😉

Click on the link to view the video documentation of the empty beach. 😉