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Day 5 – Started Out Slow, Finished Strong

February 4, 2018

This morning I woke up in a crabby mood. I am actually kind of embarrassed to admit that, after all, we are in Hawaii, staying in a beautiful resort, in a room overlooking the beach. Unfortunately, you can’t always control how you feel, even when we really try. I was just tired, a little frustrated with the weather, which has been really cloudy and raining off and on since we got here and we haven’t been able to do a whole lot outside. I am starting to feel a little trapped at the hotel and like we traveled all of this way and we need to be doing more than what we are doing. You know the feeling I am sure. We just aren’t taking advantage of everything that we are able to do while in Hawaii. We decided to go eat breakfast, but I was even grumpy about that. The buffet is included with our room and I am just tired of the same stuff on the buffet. I don’t know what I want today, but it’s something different than what is going on right now.

After breakfast, we planned to hit the gym. I was all geared up for a run and I decided that if I really want to change my mood I need to get outside and enjoy what we came here for, the ocean. We changed into our suits, lathered up in sunscreen and rented paddle boards again. This time we paddled all along the coast, we just kept going and going. I brought my phone this time, so we stopped to take pictures, and really had a good time. There is something about being on the water, and listening to the waves that just makes you feel alive. This was a very good choice. My mood was getting better by the minute. I absolutely love it out on the water. I could stay out there all day and really didn’t want to stop paddle boarding when our hour was up, but we had to head into town in a bit for a meeting, so we have to stop.

We stopped boarding and went to eat lunch. It’s amazing how being out on the water builds an appetite! We tried our breakfast spot for lunch today and they had great choices. It was a good meal. We even shared a Mimosa. After that we changed clothes and headed back to Kailua for our meeting. On the way to the meeting we stopped at Halona Blowhole Lookout to take some quick pictures. There is some really pretty water there in a little cove and we climbed down the rocks to do a little bit of site seeing. You can see below who enjoys having their picture taken the best.

After our meeting, we walked up and down our favorite street that runs along the beach that the Mokes are on and just did some exploring and took some pictures. The sun was shining and it was absolutely stunning. We really cannot ever get enough of that beach. It is breathtaking!

Once we got back to the hotel we got cleaned up and went to The Veranda for a cocktail before our dinner reservation. It was fun people watching and we were enjoying just being in each others company. Once a table out on the patio freed up, we decided to move out there and listen to the waves. After our drink it was time for our reservation at the Italian restaurant in the resort. I will have to look up the name and give a review later, the food is really good. They first sat us inside and it was cold and noisy, so we asked if we could move outside on the patio. They accommodated us and we were much happier. We were being serenaded (well, not us personally, but we can pretend) by an accordion player, who was actually quite entertaining. Unfortunately for him though, he was not nearly as entertaining as the pair of Japanese girls sitting at the table next to us, who spent the entire 4 course dinner, starting with drinks, taking photos of each other with each course and then the actual food itself. I am always entertained by the Asians love of photographing food. There is no shame in this for them, they carry those big cameras everywhere, some of them probably even weigh more than the people themselves, but they are so dedicated to getting those photographs, they do not care. I wish I could be that ambitious! I give them props, and I was thinking last night that they must have an awfully big hard drive to store all of the food photos on. I wonder what they do with all of them? Anyway, I am getting off of the subject. So back to our dinner. We shared a tomahawk steak, that bad boy was 32 ozs of pure deliciousness! About half way done with our meal, it started to rain, then harder and harder until we were actually getting wet and I was getting really cold from being wet. The manager came over and asked if we wanted to move to a different table and Rich promptly said “no, we are almost done, we will be fine” and then I had to chime in and tell him that yes, we did need to move, because I was freezing and wet and Rich was welcome to enjoy the rest of his meal in the rain, but I was moving. Rich decided to move with me. We finished our meal in dryer conditions, had desert and a glass of wine and headed back to the room. And as they say folks, the rest of the day is history. I threw my pj’s on, turned on an episode of Dateline and didn’t even make it to the first commercial break before I was out!